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Jonathan Alexander is a Canadian composer and multi-instrumentalist producer whose music blends cross-cultural orchestration and modern sound design. Selected for the SOCAN Foundation 2024 Screen Music Lab at Ubisoft Montreal, his portfolio spans immersive soundscapes for The Sandbox Metaverse, emotive piano scores for indie films, and commissioned orchestral arrangements.

Born to Scottish and Taishanese parents, with Mandarin as his second language, Jonathan’s heritage imbues his passion for storytelling through acoustic atmospheres. His musical journey began with classical piano at age five, later expanding into jazz improvisation inspired by the likes of Hiromi Uehara and Oscar Peterson. This foundation eventually sparked a passion for multi-instrumentalism, encompassing everything from flamenco guitar to Chinese erhu. His passion for exploration naturally extended into digital audio production, where he began producing beats before transitioning to composing and recording.

While studying music composition at the University of Lethbridge under Dr. Arlan N. Schultz, Jonathan honed his skills in orchestration and concert music while building a diverse portfolio of media compositions. His early career highlights include scoring a VR game with UBC Vancouver’s game development club—leading to accolades such as the 2021 GameTech Platinum Award—and collaborating on animated films with Sheridan College students, solidifying his reputation as a versatile composer across mediums.

Since concluding his studies in 2024, Jonathan has expanded his portfolio with projects including Smobler’s 3VEREST Project alongside commissioned film and orchestral works. His artistic approach is imbued with a deep commitment to storytelling through music, while thriving in collaborative partnerships—“The most compelling musical narratives emerge from the intersection of diverse creative perspectives and talents.”

Performances, Events, Press:
·(2024-12-04) - SOCAN Foundation 2024 Screen Music Lab
·(2024-03-24) - Graduation Recital - Jonathan Alexander
·(2024-03-02) - Composers' Recital - University of Lethbridge

蔣智海是一位加拿大作曲家和多樂器製作人,他的音樂融合了跨文化的管弦樂編曲和現代音效設計。他被選入2024年SOCAN基金會在育碧蒙特利爾舉辦的螢幕音樂實驗室,其作品包括為The Sandbox元宇宙創作的沉浸式音景、為獨立電影配置富有情感的鋼琴樂曲,以及受委託的管弦樂編曲。

智海出生於蘇格蘭和台山父母,普通話是他的第二語言,這樣的文化背景激發了他通過聲音氛圍講述故事的熱情。他五歲開始學習古典鋼琴,後來在Hiromi Uehara和Oscar Peterson等音樂家的啟發下,擴展到爵士即興演奏。這個基礎最終激發了他對多樂器演奏的熱情,涵蓋了從佛朗明哥吉他到中國二胡等各種樂器。他對探索的熱情自然延伸到數字音頻製作領域,他開始製作節拍,後來轉向作曲和錄音。

在萊斯布里奇大學跟隨Arlan N. Schultz博士學習音樂作曲期間,智海磨練了他的配器和音樂會音樂技能,同時建立了多樣化的媒體作曲作品集。他早期職業生涯的亮點包括為溫哥華不列顛哥倫比亞大學遊戲開發俱樂部的VR遊戲配樂—這讓他獲得了2021年GameTech白金獎等榮譽—以及與謝爾丹學院的學生合作製作動畫電影。這些經歷鞏固了他作為跨媒體多才多藝作曲家的聲譽。


·(2024-12-04) - SOCAN基金會 2024 電影配樂工作坊
·(2024-03-24) - 畢業音樂會 - Jonathan Alexander
·(2024-03-02) - 作曲家音樂會 - 萊斯布里奇大學

credits & projects:

Eden's Garden (UBC GameDev - Year End Showcase Winner) Screen Music Lab - Socan Foundation - Hosted by Ubisoft Montreal 3VEREST - Smobler Studios Liv (Sheridan Animation) Mythos (UBC GameDev - Platinum Award Winner) Game Tech Conference (UBC GameDev) Dozen Buns (Sheridan Animation) Brass Quintet (Original Chamber Music) Wind Quintet (Original Chamber Music) Westworld Scoreing Competition (Spitfire Audio) Discovery Competition (Orchestral Tools) Eden's Garden (UBC GameDev - Year End Showcase Winner) Screen Music Lab - Socan Foundation - Hosted by Ubisoft Montreal 3VEREST - Smobler Studios Liv (Sheridan Animation) Mythos (UBC GameDev - Platinum Award Winner) Game Tech Conference (UBC GameDev)


A gorgeous headshot of Jonathan